Hero-in Harlem

Hero-in Harlem

Throwback Thursday I Took me some time to get started on this post. I knew what I wanted to write about but didn’t necessarily know how I was going to tap into that place. So I’m writing my Throwback Thursday on a Sunday night or early Monday morning...


All week I’ve been getting pimp smacked by this word ACCOUNTABLE.  And the first thing that comes to mind is that image of the pope washing the feet of refugees. In case you haven’t seen it, here it is. Now some of you may be saying to yourself,...
Women March

Women March

  Finally it has arrived! The first official ‘Titties out Tuesday’ Episode with words from the woman of Titties Out Tuesday. Grandma Dorothy Mae sat down with me to speak on the recent Women’s March which occurred on January 21st. Click below to...
What is y-our Power Draw?

What is y-our Power Draw?

An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of humanity. ~ Martin Luther King Jr. A power draw in pool is  a draw shot where significant ball speed and spin is required.  What...
Soul Survivor Sunday

Soul Survivor Sunday

From a very young age, I’ve always been drawn to story telling, especially those about the underdog, probably because I’ve always been labeled that way growing up. On the weekends when I would travel to NYC to see my mom, while I would wait for her to come meet me, I...