Was having a conversation with an acquaintance about marriage.

“So you don’t want to get married?”

“No, I don’t want to get divorced.” 

“You don’t want to experience being a parent either?”

“You don’t have to be a parent to be apparent.” 

I’m sure she was very confused; however, I made sure to walk away, and allow my statement to either reside in or fly over her head as it appeared it did.

So, I’ve discussed my view on MARRIAGE. I guess now the universe is telling me it’s time to write about my view on having children.

Just because I’ve never experienced marriage, don’t have children, and am not in any desperate rush to do either doesn’t make me heartless. I still have a heart, big enough to love anyone’s child as my own when in my presence.

I’ve been fortunate enough to have experienced the joy of child birth. Nothing like that miraculous moment of feeling the baby’s head as it’s making its way into the world. Child birth is by far the most indescribable moment I’ve ever experienced. It’s truly amazing. So because it wasn’t me doing the pushing, it doesn’t count? How foolish does that sound? What happened to the days of ‘it takes a village to raise a child’?

In my eyes, we are responsible for each other’s children. We should be parents to every child on this earth — biological or not. Teach them, love them unconditionally, support them, humor them, and inspire them to be game changers. In order to do so, we have to be open-minded to life and all its possibilities. It’s their world we’re living in. With every moment I spend with any child that crosses my path, I make sure to love, support, guide, teach, and most importantly — laugh.

What’s so dope is that in each child I’ve witnessed a piece of myself. Whether it be looks, personality, culture. They all have a little piece of me inside of them. So if you want to get technical, I guess you can say I am a mother of many children with several baby fathers. Oh, and don’t even waste your time calling Maury Povich, he couldn’t save me if he tried.

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