It’s about flowing with the water. It’s also about celebrating that wonderful time of fire on the beach with a crazy dance of words and freestyle poetic rhythm. A movie scene that illustrates my vision of the meaning of Free Style would be this one:

I like the moment when he says, “You’re free! You’re free!” We’re free to spit our fire of creativity however we want into the universe, so others could freely receive it and interpret it however they want. There’s humorous, thought-provoking creativity in everyday survival—a fly landing on my windshield, seeing a roach at someone’s house, or even an itch on my foot. A few nights ago when I got home, I wrote this:

When having writer’s block meets the sound of your neighbors having sex, a really disturbing itch on your foot, and your hopeless dreams of becoming a sports commentator.

I got an itch.

Little tiny bump.

Right on the inside of my ankle.

My right ankle.

Refraining from using my nails and clawing at it.

The itch is trying to escape.

The coldness of my anemic left foot

Is keeping it in control.

Oh no!

The bump is sweet-talking the anemic left foot!

The anemic left foot is humping the bump!

The anemic left foot is moving faster up and down,

up and down!!


The anemic left foot has fallen for the itch!


Now the left hand is loose.

The phone is in the right hand.

The left hand has moved the left anemic foot out the way.

The nails are going in for the itch…


The left hand nails the itch from the anemic left foot!


…and after all that, I still got the itch.

Free Style may not always consist of written words. I may decide to go to an open mic one night. I may create a Free Style in one of my Fade to Black videos. Either—or; the fire of this day is poetry and just going with the waves of my soul.

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Free Style

Flows with the waves of the words like water.

Like the Blue Heron, so still in the distance.

Cast away rigidness of geometry, chemistry, psychology.

The dream is that one day the subject of choice will be Soulsurvivortry.

Pronunciation: Soulsur-viv-or-tree noun.

1. The branch of education that deals with the identification of the substances of life through abstract poetry

and writing, which are broken down;

the investigation of their properties and the ways they interact, combine, and change;

and the use of these processes to form new stronger, wiser, substances of life.

Cast away rigidness of geometry, chemistry, psychology.

2. I have a dream that one day there will be a course that teaches the freedom in creating and studying your own study of.